Cara Lazara (Futog)

Cara Lazara 162 (Futog)

Serbian Orthodox Church of the Holy Witches Kuzman and Damjan in Futog

The church dedicated to the holy sorcerers Kuzman and Damjan was built in 1776. A single-nave church with an apse on the eastern side of monumental dimensions. On the side walls, there are smaller quadrangular outlets – choir stalls, while on the western side, a baroque bell tower rises from the facade.

The gable wall with which it is flanked has a baroque contour. The church has three porticos, added in 1908. The north and south are each topped by two Doric columns with a semicircular pediment. The front and side facades of the temple have moderately emphasized plastic decoration. The facades are divided vertically with three pilasters each, and the belfry is divided horizontally with corner pilasters by profiled wreaths. The openings of the bell tower end in a semicircle. The interior of the temple is divided into four aisles, the vaulted structure is supported by pilasters. On the walls between the arches are high windows, closed with colored glass – stained glass. With its basic shape, dimensions, external and internal plastic decoration, this temple represents a significant object of church architecture of the second half of the 18th century. The interior of the temple is dominated by a sumptuous iconostasis, the work of the carver Aksenti Marković, also from the second half of the 18th century. The painted compositions on the iconostasis are the work of Arsa Todorović from 1798, while the first zone was painted by Pavle Simić from 1858.

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