
Štrosmajerova 14

Ова слика има празан alt атрибут; име њене датотеке је strosmajerova-broj14-s1-1024x683.jpg

A single-story residential house with a courtyard residential building at the bottom of the plot and buildings at the bottom of the plot and objects built around the perimeter of the plot form a common inner courtyard.

Ова слика има празан alt атрибут; име њене датотеке је strosmajerova-broj14-z1-dvoriste-1024x757.jpg

The base of the street building consists of two parts with a centrally placed passage. The left and right parts consist of three rooms in a row. The basements are located under the central parts of the courtyard wings and are connected to each other by an underground corridor. The building is built of brick, plastered and painted. The roof is complex and covered with pepper tiles. Above the front, street part, it is two-story, on the courtyard wings it is one story. The part of the attic above the left part of the building was converted into a living space and attached to the apartment below. The covered area is lit by slanted skylights on the courtyard side. The basements are vaulted with a semi-shaped vault, and all rooms on the ground floor have flat ceilings. Until 1983, there was a local (bookstore) in the right part of the building.

Ова слика има празан alt атрибут; име њене датотеке је strosmajerova-broj14-sd2-683x1024.jpg

At the end of the plot is a one-story residential building dug into the slope of the Petrovaradin rock, which is partially visible in the interior. The ground floor was vaulted with a semi-shaped vault and converted into an apartment in 1977. Access to the first floor is via a balcony and steep external stairs of iron construction. On the wrought iron balcony railing is a monogram with the year (JD1890) when the floor was added.

Ова слика има празан alt атрибут; име њене датотеке је strosmajerova-broj14-z1-ograda-godina-1024x757.jpg

The attic was adapted in 2006 and attached to the apartment on the first floor. Vertical skylights were made – badges with a roof on one side, covered with pepper tiles. The windows of the building are modern with new woodwork, the facade is plastered and painted. According to the tenants, the main building was built in the middle of the 19th century. Today’s street appearance clearly defines the two last phases of the building’s reconstruction. The wooden entrance door with a segmental finish above the light, three fluted pilasters with capitals, the characteristic plaster decoration of the attic cornice and ceiling openings, as well as the preserved architraves of the former windows belong to the eclectic period, while the extended three-part windows were created during the reconstruction, probably between the two St. rate.

Ова слика има празан alt атрибут; име њене датотеке је strosmajerova-broj14-sd3-683x1024.jpg
Ова слика има празан alt атрибут; име њене датотеке је strosmajerova-broj14-sd4-1024x683.jpg
Ова слика има празан alt атрибут; име њене датотеке је strosmajerova-broj14-sd1-683x1024.jpg

The spatial characteristics of the base of the main building indicate that it is a two-story house of traditional, rural architecture that was united by a common facade and roof at the end of the 19th or the beginning of the 20th century.

The realisation of this site was supported by the Administration for Culture of the City of Novi Sad

The sources and materials of the Institute for the Protection of Cultural Monuments of the City of Novi Sad were used for the realization of this website

The Old Core of Novi Sad was declared a cultural asset, by the decision on establishing it as a spatial cultural-historical unit – 05 no. 633-151/2008 of January 17, 2008, “Sl. gazette of the Republic of Serbia” no. 07/2008.

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