
Beogradska 23-25

“Officer Pavilion”

The two-story, free-standing, “L”-shaped building was built at the end of the 19th century on an undeveloped area in the immediate vicinity of the Belgrade Gate.

It consists of a basement, ground floor and two floors. The foundations are symmetrically organized, with vertical staircases in the courtyard annexes of each wing and three residential units per floor.

Ова слика има празан alt атрибут; име њене датотеке је beogradska-broj-23-25-s2-1024x683.jpg
Ова слика има празан alt атрибут; име њене датотеке је beogradska-broj-23-25-z1-dvoriste-1024x657.jpg

The roof is shallow, on two pitches, covered with sheet metal. The street facades are designed in the spirit of historicism, symmetrically composed with a particularly accentuated corner part at the point where the two wings meet.

Ова слика има празан alt атрибут; име њене датотеке је beogradska-broj-23-25-sd3-683x1024.jpg

The wall canvas is plastered flat, except in the ground floor area where it is treated in imitation of stone blocks with an accented finish in the axis of each opening. The facades are divided horizontally by a prominent cornice with a denticle motif above the ground floor, and a richly profiled cordon and attic cornice with a series of consoles with an acanthus leaf motif underlined by a series of denticles. Between the first and second floors, at the place of the mezzanine cornice, a plaster decoration in the form of a strip with a spiral ornament and alternately inserted leaves is inserted. The angular verticals and the edges of the rhizalite on the street facades are treated in imitation of alternately dropped, plastically treated blocks. The windows are in a plaster frame, flat on the ground floor, profiled with an accented architrave pediment on the first floor, except for the central window on the ridge above which the pediment is triangular. On the second floor, the frames are multi-profiled with accentuated upper corners. In the gap between the cordon and attic cornice, in the axes of the floor windows, there are rectangular attic openings in a narrower profiled frame. The street facades have an accentuated risalite in the central part with five opening axes and a centrally placed architrave-finished portal on the ground floor. The corner of the building is accentuated by vertical pilasters, at the ground floor level indicated by a slight projection, through the floors shaped in full height from the accentuated base to the Corinthian capitals at the height of the cordon cornice of the second floor. The bases of the pilasters are connected by a profiled cornice, and in the field between is a row of balusters. The architrave-finished attic that flanks the corner of the building is treated with the same motif with balusters. On the ground floor, there is a semi-circular opening with an end decorated with acanthus. The field between the pilasters at the height of the first and second floors is finished in the form of a shallow semicircular niche. In the lower part, there is a plastic highlighted field in the form of a board, while the upper, semicircular part is glazed.

Ова слика има празан alt атрибут; име њене датотеке је beogradska-broj-23-25-s3-1024x683.jpg

The realisation of this site was supported by the Administration for Culture of the City of Novi Sad

The sources and materials of the Institute for the Protection of Cultural Monuments of the City of Novi Sad were used for the realization of this website

The Old Core of Novi Sad was declared a cultural asset, by the decision on establishing it as a spatial cultural-historical unit – 05 no. 633-151/2008 of January 17, 2008, “Sl. gazette of the Republic of Serbia” no. 07/2008.

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