This two-story house, with an L-shaped floor plan, has got its present-day shape in the 1852 reconstruction, when the first floor and the yard wing were added, by design of the Baumeister Andreas Haner, for the owner Viktor Gorjup, to the older one-story house extensively damaged in the 1849 Uprising bombing. On the 1745 map of Novi Sad, there was a rectangular-shaped house, in its place. The owners of this house were also Uros Maksimovic, an apothecary, and a landowner Sava Vujic.
This house bears the late Neoclassical style, with a rectangular-shaped gateway for the vehicles on the left side, and three traditional shop-openings on the right.
On this photo of Dunavska street taken during the Great flood od 1876, we can see that, apart from removed protective double-wing wooden shutters, the facade didn’t change much since that time.
On this photo of Dunavska street taken in 1907, we can see the facade very well and it looks almost the same as today.
On this photo, taken in 1992, we can see the façade of the house after the reconstruction in the early 1980s. In didn’t change much, apart from two shop-openings instead of three.
The rooms on the ground floor were vaulted, while those on the first floor were under flat ceilings.
A wooden staircase leads to the first floor. The courtyard facade’s most prominent feature is the communication balcony, with stone consoles and a wrought-iron railing.
The street wing of the house has a double-slope roof, while the yard wing has a single-slope roof. It is covered with the original crown tiles.
On this photo, taken in 1995, the facade looks very similar to the previous one from 1992.