Zmajev trg 17 (Sremska Kamenica)
Roman Catholic Church of the Finding of the Holy Cross (to the Raising of the Holy Cross) Sremska Kamenica

In the center of Sremska Kamenica, on Trg Jovan Jovanović Zmaj, there is a Roman Catholic church dedicated to the Našašća Sveti križ (Raising of the Holy Cross). It was built in 1746, and in the 19th century it was renovated and expanded by Count Marton Marcibanji.

In 1869, the church received a valuable gift from Count Guido Caraccioni – an organ.

In the upper tower it had four bells of different sizes. In the crypt of the church building rest the bodies of members of the former lordly family: Guido Caraccioni, Countess Maria nee Marcibanj and Countess Guidobaldina Caraccioni.

A more extensive restoration of the church building was carried out in 1914, under the patronage of Jene Karačonji, and important renovation works were carried out a few years ago. Religious activities are held daily.