Hammam in Bač
Today, Novi Sad is the center of Bačka and Vojvodina, and in the Middle Ages it was Bač, after which Bačka got its name. Bach was mentioned for the first time in 535 in a letter of Emperor Justinian as a diocese, that is, a bishopric of part of the province of Second Pannonia: “pars secunde etiam Panonie, que est in Bacensi civitate”. It is often mentioned in sources from the 10th century onwards, and after the Battle of Mohács in 1526, the Bač fortress fell under Turkish rule in 1529. After 1578, a hammam was built not far from the walls of the lower town of the Bač fortress, in 1665 it was visited and mentioned by Evlija Çelebi, a Turkish travel writer.
The hammam has a lot in common with the Roman baths, and in this sense, Turkey is the continuation of this part of the Roman or Byzantine tradition. The Hamam in Bač is the only medieval Turkish hamam preserved in Vojvodina, so we thought that the realization of a 3D model of this building would contribute to raising awareness of the importance of this part of our heritage:
The realization of this 3D model was helped by Telekom Srbija A.D.