The building known as “Vissarion’s Hospital”, built in 1741, in the Baroque style, with a rectangular base, was the first hospital in Novi Sad. Visarion Pavlović, the bishop of Bačka, received permission to build this building. It was mentioned for the first time in documents in 1748, when Novi Sad received the status of a Free Royal Town, and it is mentioned as a one-story building built of solid material, with four rooms and two kitchens. It served as a hospital, a “hospital”, but also a home for the homeless, a “poor home”.
The building was expanded in 1803, when the municipality bought the neighboring house of Dimitrije Mijatović, and at that time it was already used exclusively as a hospital. Thanks to the collected contributions, a floor was added to Visarion’s hospital in 1847, and as this is one of only 8 buildings in the center of Novi Sad that did not burn down in the bombing in Buna in 1849, the building has remained preserved in the same building until today. It was used as a hospital until 1859.

On the project from 1900, it was indicated that this building housed a Serbian girls’ school.
It was renovated according to the project of architect Đorđe Tabaković in 1964. Between March 2007 and August 2008, conservation and restoration works were carried out on the renovation of facades, rehabilitation and adaptation of the building.

The Academy of Arts, founded in 1974, is located in this building today.
The baroque-style facade, facing Đure Jakšića Street, has 11 architrave-finished windows in a simple plaster frame, and neighboring building number 7 abuts it at an obtuse angle, following the old street matrix that can be seen on the plan from 1745.
Together, these two buildings form the complex of the Academy of Arts.

The courtyard facade and the uniquely preserved brick courtyard baroque gate taken from the direction of the Porta Nikolajevska church.

On the city plan from 1745, Visarion’s hospital, built in 1741, is not marked, but only Visarion’s Latin school, built in 1731, in the gate of the Cathedral. It is possible that the preparation of the plan preceded the publication by several years, just as Sauter’s plan shows the situation in 1885, and the year 1889 is written on it.
We can see that Đura Jakšića Street is one of the oldest in the city, and it largely corresponds to today’s street. We can see that in the courtyard of Visarionova Street, the old Brick Home for the Poor could have remained, next to the fence of the cemetery – marked in red. We have marked the approximate location of Visarion’s hospital with a dashed red line.

On the city plan from 1900, the Vissarion Hospital building, which was no longer a hospital since 1859, is marked Serbian Girls’ School.

Photo of Visarion’s hospital taken in 1992.

The realisation of this site was supported by the Administration for Culture of the City of Novi Sad

The sources and materials of the Institute for the Protection of Cultural Monuments of the City of Novi Sad were used for the realization of this website
The Old Core of Novi Sad was declared a cultural asset, by the decision on establishing it as a spatial cultural-historical unit – 05 no. 633-151/2008 of January 17, 2008, “Sl. gazette of the Republic of Serbia” no. 07/2008.