Trg Slobode


This two-story house, with an L-shaped floor plan, was built in 1854, for the owner Johan Ajgler as the Hotel Elisabeth, and it continued to work as a hotel to this day. Even the facade and floorplan hasn’t significantly changed since it was built. After WWI the hotel name was changed to Kraljica Marija, and after the WWII to Vojvodina. In its place, used to be a renowned Johan Hajl brewery, since the first half of the 18th century, that has burned down in the Uprising bombing.
In the courtyard of the Hotel, the City Theater, Dundjerski’s Theater, was built in 1892-95, as well as a power generator that provided the electricity for the houses in the city center for 18 years, until the city electrical grid was introduced in 1910.

The structures for holding powerlines, from this generator to the houses in the city center, were on the roofs of the higher houses. We can see these structures on the old photos, and the oldest one with the powerlines that can be precisely dated is the one below, taken in 1895. (The tower of the Cathedral is not yet finished, and the cross it already placed on its top)

The street facade of hotel Vojvodina is very wide, bearing the features of the Neoclassic style.

Nad prozorima na rizalitima su klasicističke akrotirije, a nad ostalim prozorima su arhitravni frontoni. 

Desno od uskog desnog rizalita nalazi se drugi kolski ulaz, koji pretvoren u ulaz u hotel, iznad koga je balkon sa zidanom ogradom. 

The Gateway is now adapted for the hotel enterance.

Na Sauterovom planu iz 1889. označen je kao “Elisabeth hotel” na tadašnjoj parceli broj 44.

On the 1889 Sauter’s map of Novi Sad, this building is marked as Hotel Elisabeth, on the land lot No. 44:

A foto of the Hotel Elisabeth, taken around 1900:

In the hand-colored photo of Hotel Elisabeth, taken around 1914, we can see the new city powerlines and the trolley tracks.

On the Maj 9th, 1922, the name of the Hotel was changed to Kraljica Marija. In the next areal photo taken in 1926 we can see the Dundjerki’s Theater in the Hotel courtyard, a few years before it burned to the ground:

The Hotel was renovated in 1927 for the owner Gedeon Dundjerski. The Hotel was refurbished, and the water pipes and central heating were also installed.

A photo of the Hotel taken in 1941:

After WWII the name of the Hotel was changed to “Vojvodina”. This photo of the Hotel was taken in 1995:

From the archives of ZZSK of the City of Novi Sad (O.Z. 39/3, 1995.)

In this photo we can see the present-day look of the courtyard facade:

In 1895 the Dundjerski’s Theater was finished, bearing the features of the Neorenessanse style, designed by Vladimir Nikolic. It was the home of Serban National Theater, and the first play was performed here on the February 4th, 1895.

The Dundjerski’s Theater was placed very close to the right yard-wing of the Hotel. It had a capacity of 600 viewers.

The Theather burned to the ground on January 23rd, 1928.

The realisation of this site was supported by the Administration for Culture of the City of Novi Sad

The sources and materials of the Institute for the Protection of Cultural Monuments of the City of Novi Sad were used for the realization of this website

The Old Core of Novi Sad was declared a cultural asset, by the decision on establishing it as a spatial cultural-historical unit – 05 no. 633-151/2008 of January 17, 2008, “Sl. gazette of the Republic of Serbia” no. 07/2008.